Chinese Horoscope 2025: Predictions for Year of the Wood Snake
Discover your Chinese horoscope for Year of the Wood Snake 2025, with predictions for health, work, wealth and love.
It’s a lucky year for those born In the Year of the Snake, Horse, Monkey, Rooster and the Rat. Those born in the Year of the Goat, Dog, Ox and Rabbit may face some obstacles.
Tigers may experience a difficult year with setbacks due to the Annual Flying Star 5 - ‘The Star of Peril’ in its location and they may be prone to some health issues as well. However moneywise, they should have plenty flowing in.
Health: Tigers need to take extra care this year with their charts indicating potential for injuries and heart problems.
Career: The influence of the ‘Crossing Sha’ Star might bring some professional hurdles and misunderstandings. Stay focused and try to handle situations diplomatically.
Wealth: Exciting opportunities for financial growth are on the horizon, thanks to the Fortune Virtue and Prosperity stars. However, be sure to remain vigilant as it comes and goes easily.
Love: Relationships may face tests due to the Curled Tongue Star. Open communication and trust can help strengthen bonds and overcome these temporary challenges.
Rabbit – Born 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011
Rabbits should try to use their own resources to improve their romantic luck and combat some negative influence in their stars.
Health: Try to be more careful and avoid crowds as Rabbits will be more susceptible to bugs and prone to accidents. Be sure to ask for help when experiencing minor mental health issues.
Career: No major Stars to help so they will have to rely on personal strengths and seek out new opportunities
Wealth: There will be some wealth opportunities. These will be more fruitful for Rabbits who can lean into their own networks.
Love: Rabbits are usually magnets for romance, but this year there won’t be any help from the Stars and they will have to work harder on relationships.
Dragon – Born 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012
Dragons should have positive blessing with good news all round this year especially in their career.
Health: They could have some minor health issues and they may feel the need to spend some ‘alone’ time.
Career: Due to their good standing at work, they might be in line for a promotion. Those in self-employment could be in for financial gain due to good reviews.
Wealth: Expect some money luck.
Love: ‘Sky Happiness’ Star is in location so relationships should be favourable all round
Snake – Born 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013
Snakes can expect a good year as they have the protection of the ‘Grand Duke’. They should expect wealth opportunities through growth in earnings.
Health: Due to the “Blood Knife Star’’ in their direction, they are more susceptible to getting sick this year especially when travelling.
Career: Their status may improve from the help of mentors in their career, but they should avoid meddling in office politics.
Wealth: With the ‘Golden Carriage’ in position, Snakes will have lots of opportunities for money to come in.
Love: Those looking for a partner may have more luck this year thanks to the influence of the Star Phoenix Pavilion.
Horse – Born 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014
2025 is predicted to be a very lucky year with good fortune for those born under the Horse sign .
Health: Horses should enjoy good health this year. Keep energy levels up to make the most of it.
Career: For people working in a creative industry, expect to benefit from a surge of inspiration. Those still studying should get a burst of intellectual ability.
Wealth: ‘The Heavenly Chef’ Star is aligned with the Horse this year; so expect lots of invitations to enjoy fine wine & food and growth in their earnings.
Love: For those that are not married, this could be the year! Lots of romantic opportunities and benefits from people around them for anything they do this year.
Goat – Born 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
The Goat is predicted to have a more challenging year and is encouraged to lie low over the next 12 months. 2026 will be a much better year for Goats.
Health: Stress and sad events may have an impact on mental wellbeing so don’t be afraid to seek help. Be aware to take care when outdoors as there is an increased chance of mishaps.
Career: The Goat could be prone to legal entanglements from miscommunication and hindrances in their work environment, so avoid interfering in office politics.
Wealth: Family related issues may be a drain of finances.
Love: There are signs they could be mourning the end of close relationships so remember to tell loved ones how you feel.
Monkey – Born 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016
Those born under the Monkey sign will expect more good than bad news. They will have a better year than 2024. The ‘Grand Duke Combo’ is in its location, so this offers protection from many setbacks.
Health: Be careful with high blood pressure and heart related issues especially in February. In addition, there could be a work-related injury, so be more aware of the environment.
Career: The Monkey has the ‘Sky Fortune Star’ in their location, so there could be potential for promotion, especially with the help of benefactors.
Wealth: There may be plenty of opportunities for wealth as the ‘Five Prosperity Star’ will come their way, implying that money could be coming from many channels.
Love: The Monkey will have to watch out for fleeting romances as the ‘Red Matchmaker Star’ will bring lots of short flings but nothing long lasting.
Rooster – Born 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017
The Rooster may experience a mixture of favourable and unfavourable luck, mostly in relationships.
Health: With ‘Five Ghost’ Star is in location, the greater disposition to poor health Take extra care and get plenty of rest.
Career: The Rooster may be up for promotion this year with the help of people who believe in them, however if working in business, read contracts properly as there could be legal issues.
Wealth: They have the ‘Golden Lock’ Star which brings an increase in income from earnings, investments and business opportunities.
Love: There could be family related issues or a possible breakup in a relationship.
Dog – Born 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018
The Dog needs to curb its spending this year or their bank balance will end up taking a hit.
Health: The Dog may be subject to anger issues so it is important for to try and stay cool and calm. Women will also need to take extra of their health this year, especially those trying to start a family.
Career: There will be many opportunities for fame and fortune and positive career luck.
Wealth: Resist the temptation for spending money extravagantly with no accountability.
Love: Due to the ‘Red Matchmaker’ Star in location, there could be lots of opportunities for romance, but these won’t be without the occasional hitch.
Pig – Born 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019
The Pig is in conflict with the Snake in 2025 and this usually manifests in passionate issues, disharmony and may bring about changes in the home, work or social environment.
Health: Due to the Star ‘Sky Sadness’ in location, they will be more likely to feel unhappy so try and balance this positivity and gratitude.
Career: Pigs working in a creative or analytical industry may be recognised for their talents. They may achieve advancement as long as they navigate minor obstacles. There could be lots of travelling involved for the Pig this year.
Wealth: They may have some unexpected gains from a promotion, but it comes with unexpected loss of wealth from other sources.
Love: Undesirable friends may be a negative so it is important to choose friendship groups wisely to avoid creating chaos in social networks.
Rat – Born 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020
The Rat will be under the influence of mixed luck.
Health: There are indications they may be caught in natural disasters etc when travelling. It will be wise to carefully consider travel warnings before jetting off whether on holidays or for work.
Career: The Rat has 3 major auspicious Stars in their location; the ‘Emperor’, ‘Dragon Virtue’ and the ‘Heavenly Horse’, which all bring good career. They are set to receive a boost of luck in the work environment.
Wealth: The more the Rat travels this year, the better fortune it will bring them.
Love: They must take care with romance this year, as they are under the influence of the ‘Salty Pool’ Star, which is associated with scandal.
Ox – Born 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021
The Ox has more negative than positive Stars in 2025 and in addition it is in the location of the Feng Shui “Flying Star of Peril” #5, so it may be a tough year of set backs.
Health: Being mindful of adopting good habits and taking proper care of themselves will be important, both mentally and physically to stay in good health. Connect with others to avoid feeling lonely.
Career: They will be more inspired and creative this year which can lead to great outcomes.
Wealth: They may have some increase in income from property investments, but they are susceptible to losses from elsewhere so it is important for to take extra caution.
Love: They will be in for a rough ride, due to gossipmongering and it could harm their relationships. Rise above the noise and focus on what matters.